
At Quest, we are committed to ensuring our spaces are safe and welcoming for our clients and employees and that clients can access and purchase the products that they need. We do this by being transparent and fair using these policies.

Quest Outreach Society is committed to providing a safe, secure and respectful environment for clients, staff and visitors. A breach in Quest’s Safe Spaces Policy may result in the following:

  • Individual(s) may be asked to leave Quest premises or disengage with Quest staff
  • Communications with the individual(s) may come to an end
  • Client card privileges may be paused for the current visit OR suspended longer-term
  • Police and/or security personnel may be called to attend

Quest Outreach Society is committed to protecting the privacy of any personal information you provide us. Any personal information that Quest requires is kept secure, and confidential at all times. We are dedicated to protecting the personal information of our clients, referring partners, employees, society members, donors, and volunteers.

Despite our model and others like it operating across British Columbia, thousands of pounds of good, nutritional food still goes to waste simply because it is part of a surplus that cannot be sold or because it is oddly sized, blemished, or nearing its best-before-date. 

The Best-Before-Date is when the quality of the food is no longer optimum but is still safe to eat and enjoy. Often it means the food might not be as fresh , taste or smell the same, or contain as many nutrients as the day it was first packaged.

Quest follows the Durable Life Information on Food Products fact sheet and the Acts and Regulations administered by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) for all food that is handled through Quest Outreach Society. We also reference Food Safe Guidelines from resources such as The Health Canada model for Food Safety in Food Banks.

Quest’s food policy is restricted to food recovery from industry food suppliers and excludes acceptance of food donations from individual households and local gardeners. Quest is accountable to Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) rules. We must be able to trace where our food comes from and produce documentation regarding what herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers were used to grow it.

If you are an individual or a group of compassionate gardeners wishing to support Quest and impact communities who identify as food insecure, please consider making a financial donation today.

If you have any questions, contact us at info@questoutreach.org or call our General Manager directly at +1(604) 602-0186 Ext: 3103

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